
Programs for Healing

12 week program focusing on substance abuse
History of African music in the Americas
Self-discovery through journal writing
Learning and Playing Afro-Latin rhythms and dance demonstrations
Instrument building

12 week program for kids and teens
Instrument making out of inexpensive materials
History of music and story telling traditions of Afro-Latin cultures
Learning and playing these rhythms with dance

One day, and weekend workshops on various subjects
The Sacred Music of Cuba
Introduction to Playing Percussion Instuments
Rhyhtms and Breathing for Relaxation
Sacred Healing Music of the Americas

Programs suited to different environments
Retirement homes, schools, universities, clinics, homeless shelters, battered women programs, including social programs and communities.

Programs are also offerd in a 6 week format
Percussion instrument making and basic rhythm instruction
Afro-Latin rhythms and their history

Our Programs and Workshops:

* Improves balance and coordination through rhythmic movement.

* Heightens appreciation of our surroundings by making us aware of the rhythms and flow of our natural and social enivornment.

* Improves social skills through creative participation in a musical exchange.

* Helps youth focus their inquisitive energy through musical composition, while exposing them to the different cultural manifestations of the African diaspora.